Mark S. McCaffrey 

Climate Consulting Services

Supporting Innovation Education

It is not enough to know the facts about the causes and effects of climate change.

We also need to know the risks and the range of possible responses, the challenges and opportunities.

Innovation, systems thinking, creative problem-solving, cooperation and collaboration are vital tools for preparing society--especially youth--for the challenges we face.


Mark S. McCaffrey is available to consult with organizations and parties seeking support and guidance on climate change and energy-related education, communications and outreach efforts.

He can be reached at or via phone at 

(+1) 415 509 5520
References and C.V. available upon request

Services include:

  • Evaluation, monitoring and needs assessment
  • Professional Development for Educators
  • Proposal, Curriculum and Materials Development
  • Strategic Planning and Implementation
  • Grant writing
  • Infusing innovative sustainability solutions throughout organizations

Whether at the local, state, national or international level, Mark McCaffrey can help integrate climate science and solutions into your organization or community.


Climate literacy is an understanding of your influence on the climate and climate's influence on you and society.



The Guiding Principle for informed climate decisions:

Humans can take actions to reduce climate change and its impacts.



He is co-author of Climate confusion among U.S. teachers in the February 12, 2016 issue of the journal Science, and Mixed Messages: How Climate Change is Taught in America's Public Schools.

Currently is based in rural Hungary, he is author of Climate Smart & Energy Wise (Corwin Press 2014), Mark S. McCaffrey began work as climate education and communication specialist for NOAA's Paleoclimatology Program, becoming a national and international leader in climate education.

He has served as Climate Programs and Policy Director of the National Center for Science Education, is a Senior Fellow for the National Council for Science and the Environment, and Senior Advisor of the Earth Child Institute.

He is an experienced evaluator, having been Principal Investigator of on-going evaluation of NOAA's Coral Reef Watch. In 2015 he evaluated the education and outreach elements of a United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO) climate-smart agriculture initiative.

Mark's other accomplishments include:

•    Leading the development and implementation of a national survey of secondary science educators in the United States with researchers at Penn State University, examining whether and how climate change is being taught. 

•    Serving on the Education Advisory Council for the European Institute of Technology's Climate Knowledge Innovation Community(KIC)

•    Co-authoring guidelines for the national point people in charge of implementing the UNFCCC Education, Training, and Public Awareness goals under Article 6 of the Convention 

•    Initiating the Education Affinity group for the US Global Change Research Program's National Climate Assessment Network, leading the development of regional Learning Pathways for educators

•    Co-founding the Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)

•    Hosting the Climate & Energy Literacy Summit in 2012, which helped set the stage for the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy's Climate Education and Literacy Initiative launched in December, 2014

•    Serving as member of the International Polar Year Education, Outreach and Communication advisory committee 

•    Developing the NOAA Climate Timeline Information Tool and serving as lead author of the Paleo Perspective on Abrupt Climate Change

•    Helping initiate and develop the Climate Literacy (NOAA) and Energy Literacy (DOE) frameworks, available through the US Global Change Research Program.

 Mark S. McCaffrey spent nearly two decades immersed in water education, communications and outreach, exploring the interdisciplinary and integrating aspects of water in our lives. 

He was the publisher and editor of "Waterwise: The Wet Gazette" in New York City in the late 1980s and and developed the Boulder Area Sustainability Information Network (, a model of watershed-based information networking and education, in the late 1990s.